While there are different types of Shamans with a variety of skill sets, here you will be learning about the shamans or spiritual beings who have cultivated the ability to alter their consciousness and connect with or journey to other realms or the spirit world. They are highly skilled at using their tools and techniques to help and often times heal members of their community.
A practitioner can connects to high vibrational, luminous energies to initiate growth, gather knowledge, and retrieve messages. She can also connect to “lower” more dense energy forms to initiate release or transition. Our relationships and connections to all inhabitants of our vast Multiverse effect us and our journeys.
Shamanism is an intense and profound spiritual practice found in cultures worldwide throughout this planet's existence. An ancient system both versatile and adaptable, it embraces a holistic approach to wellness. It is not a dogmatic belief system or ideology but a relationship-based practice that seeks to connect with the spirit in all things.
While It predates established religions and encompasses its own symbolism and cosmology, it also coexists harmoniously with various cultural systems. The teachings of shamanism revolve around the practicality of connecting with the divine to inspire and guide us on our personal journeys of transformation and self-discovery.
Embarking on the shamanic path requires a willingness to explore our inner landscape and embrace the mysteries of unseen worlds. This practice invites us to establish deeper connections with nature as well as our spirit allies. These allies can provide guidance, protection, and support as we traverse our multidimensional selves and realities.
Using shamanic techniques allows us to access different densities to gain insight and discover the pathway most in alignment for our individual wellness and self-realization. Because time is not linear you can heal both past and the future timelines. By moving into a frequency of love and learning to identify habit patterns, you can over come Earthly Traumas and grow into responsible, heart centered being. From this place of enlightenment and compassionate you will be able to accept responsibility as a steward of your Sacred Grandmother Earth and other beings of all densities and dimensions. By reconnecting and harmonizing with Cosmic Energies and realigning to your Truest Self, you will become an open channel available to serve others.
Being a constant seeker by nature, Stephanie Olga found opportunities to train with secret Shamans, powerful energy workers, and Master teachers from around the globe. She spent almost two decades traveling internationally to learn different cultural perspectives on health, how to restore it, and how to keep it. She's made an effort to study numerous lineages, traditions, religions, and techniques in an attempt to get closer to Source and find her Truth. Along the way, after thousands of hours of training, she was certified, initiated, attuned, and activated. Since then, she's taught and studied in Spain, Indonesia, India, Nepal, Australia, Hungary, Sri Lanka, & Dubai, and has hosted and participated in a number of workshops, special events, retreats, and Teacher Training's across the US.
Over many years, Stephanie has cultivated the ability to access the immense wisdom offered by our guides and ancestors. She has been asked to consider herself a Source Channel and an Earth Keeper, which she considers both a great reward and responsibility. If you have found your way to So Harmonious, it is no coincident. It is most certainly Divine!
Working with Stephanie will give you the opportunity to reestablish what she calls your Wellness Frequency. She has developed a curriculum that allows you to RELAX, LOVE, & RELEASE. First and foremost, you need to feel safe. Stephanie will guide you to a place where you can actually allow the body to fully surrender. Over time this will allow you to de-armor and open to love and light. These powerful frequencies will help clear away stagnant energies, so that your bodies (yes, you have several) can heal and strengthen in the most amazing, noninvasive manner. Once you have elevated your frequency you will find that releasing what no longer serves you becomes epically effortless.!